The Terms and Conditions stated in this Terms of Use Agreement (“Agreement”) govern your use of the Camerata Academy of Music Limited. All lessons are conducted by qualified teachers in their field of expertise.
Before accessing the services offered at the Academy, you should carefully review the Terms and Conditions. The Academy provides its services only on the condition that you accept all the Terms and Conditions stated herein.
Payment of registration fee implies your acceptance of the Academy’s terms and conditions and your agreement to abide by these terms and conditions.
These terms and conditions are subject to change without notice from time to time, at our sole discretion. We will notify you of amendments to these terms and conditions by alerting you by email.
Parents/Guardians accept the Terms and Conditions on behalf of their children. All references herein to “School Term” refer to the Academy’s term calendar.
- Application Process:
Interview: An interview/audition will be required as part of the application process. Each applicant under the age of 3 – 16 years will be interviewed in accordance with the rubric described at Appendix A.
The interview/audition may be done by video submission, via an online conferencing platform, telephone conversation or, where possible, face-to-face. One or more media may be utilized.
A designated parent/guardian of each child will be required to participate in the interview process as outlined at Appendix A. - Registration:
A registration fee of $50.00 is required to complete enrolment. This registration fee is not included in your class fee but is non-refundable in the event of cancellation. - Tuition Policy:
Music training classes at Camerata Academy of Music Ltd (“the Academy”) shall be conducted on Sundays from 2:00 pm – 4:30 pm or at a time designated by the Academy. The fee structure caters for different package options as outlined below.
The Allegro Program:
Offering – Piano/Keyboard+Guitar+Voice+ Music Theory (Full Package)
Cost per Month per Person – $350.00
Cost per Session per Person – Not Applicable
Schedule of Classes – 2 1/2 hours
The Bravura Program:
Offering – Music Theory + 2 instruments (Choose from Piano, Guitar, Voice)
Cost per Month per Person – $325.00
Cost per Session per Person – Not Applicable
Schedule of Classes – To be arranged with a minimum duration of 20 minutes & maximum of 30 minutes.
The Cadence Program:
Offering – Music Theory + 1 instruments (Choose from Piano, Guitar, Voice)
Cost per Month per Person – $300.00
Cost per Session per Person – Not Applicable
Schedule of Classes – To be arranged with a minimum duration of 20 minutes & maximum of 30 minutes.
The Deciso Program:
Offering – Group sessions for 1 instrument of choice (Choose from Piano, Guitar, Voice) or Music Theory only
Cost per Month per Person – $200.00
Cost per Session per Person – Not Applicable
Schedule of Classes – To be arranged with a minimum duration of 20 minutes & maximum of 30 minutes.
The Encore Program:
Offering – Individualized sessions for 1 instrument of choice
Cost per Month per Person – Not Applicable
Cost per Session per Person – $200.00
Schedule of Classes – 1 hour.
The Fuoco Package:
Offering – Choir training available
Cost per Month per Person – T.B.C.
Cost per Session per Person – T.B.C.
Schedule of Classes – T.B.C.
*to be confirmed
- Fees:
4.1 Tuition fees are non-refundable and non-transferable.
4.2 Tuition fees must be paid in advance on the first Sunday of every month. An extension may be granted until the second Sunday of the month. Fees that remain unpaid by the second Sunday of every month will accrue a late fee of $25.00.
4.3 Fees will be reviewed annually.
4.4 In the event that any client withdraws monthly payment for any reason, they are then liable to pay the full lesson fee for each individual class.
4.5 The Academy reserves the right to suspend or terminate the students’ lessons until all outstanding fees are paid. All fees paid are non-refundable. All fee payments must be submitted within one month of becoming due and owing.
4.6 New students upon enrolment pay a non-refundable registration fee and a one- month advance fee as deposit.
4.7 Ex-students who wish to come back for lessons need to re-register and pay registration fee.
4.8 To terminate lessons, one month (4 weeks) advanced written notice must be given or the deposit will not be refunded. Upon notification of termination, the remaining 4 weeks lessons will be made good subject to the teacher and the school justification. All lessons are to be finished within the period of 4 consecutive weeks from the official date of termination. No additional replacement will be made if a lesson falls on public or school holidays.
4.9 Students who absent themselves for any period of time must continue to pay fees.
4.10 All students will be considered dismissed voluntarily if he or she misses the lessons for more than 3 times without giving prior written notice. No refund will be given.
4.11 The Academy reserves the right to amend all course fees periodically.
Camerata Academy of Music Ltd. reserves the right to decide whether any individual student requires specialist tuition due to learning difficulties as well as the right to suspend lessons indefinitely or recommend private tuition where required.
- Attendance Policy:
Attendance is a significant indicator of a student’s success. Those who are present are exposed to lessons more than those in absentia. In an effort to support student success and maintain quality in teaching and learning, students must be present for a minimum of 80% of classes in a given school term. Those who do not maintain 80% attendance in a school term will not be eligible for consideration to register for international examinations as a student of Camerata Academy of Music Ltd.
Regular attendance will be taken into consideration in assessing readiness of students for public performances as scheduled rehearsals are necessary for the success of a show/production.
- Use of Photography and Videography for promotional purposes:
6.1 Camerata Academy of Music Ltd. will attempt, at least once a year, to stage a production. Performance opportunities are necessary to afford students the opportunity to experience real performances for experiential learning. Such productions must be recorded as evidence of learning outcomes and for archival purposes. Further to which, footage from performances may be utilized as promotional for placement on the Academy’s Facebook page and website. Sales may be permitted based on availability of material.
6.2 The parent/guardian of the child student authorises the Academy to use image or recording of the student in a photo, film and/or audio recording and/or use the student’s work sample for promotional use only. The parent/guardian of the child student authorises the Academy to identify the student by first name only.
7.1 Continuous assessments are carried out at the Academy.
7.2 Eligibility for International Examinations: The Academy reserves right to assess readiness for international examinations based on each student’s knowledge, analytic ability and creative thinking.
- Uniform:
All students of Camerata Academy of Music Ltd. will be required to wear a uniform. Boys must wear blue/black long jeans or dress pants and a polo shirt bearing the logo and name of the Academy. Girls must wear black/blue long jeans, dress pants or a skirt that does not exceed 2” (two inches) above the knee and a polo shirt bearing the logo and name of the Academy. - Student Code of Conduct: Please see Appendix B.
- Parents/Guardians:
10.1 Parents/Guardians must involve themselves in their child’s education by:
• ensuring that their child completes assigned homework;
• ensuring that the student/child has the required books and stationery and/or instrument needed for their classes; and
• assisting the student/child if they do not understand their homework and where necessary, attending Parent/Teacher training sessions to accomplish this.
10.2 Parents/Guardians shall deliver their children to the teacher present at the classroom assigned by Camerata Academy of Music Limited.
The Academy does not assume responsibility for children outside of the Academy’s designated area of operation. Parents/guardians are not to leave their children, nor permit them to be left at the Security Booth or in the corridors. All children must be received, at the end of classes, at the same classroom designated for pick-up and drop-off. No child will be permitted to walk alone to the carpark to meet parents, guardians or designated persons.
Any parent or guardian who wishes to designate a person to receive their child shall do so by having a written note delivered to the Academy. The designated person will also be required to present valid national identification to the academy.
- Arrival and Departure of Students where classes are conducted in face-to-face mode:
11.1 Parents/Guardians are asked to:
a. ensure the students use the toilet before lessons;
b. arrive on time; and
c. make arrangements to return to pick up students punctually. (This is important as other classes may have to be interrupted.)
d. use the designated waiting area during lessons and not interrupt lessons if possible. (This is important to help concentration especially for new students.)
e. Parents/guardians are requested to keep their child at home if he or she has a cold, fever, or any infectious disease.
11.2 Online Classes
11.3 Classes may be conducted in online mode unless otherwiseinformed and may be provided in a format that is blended with face-to-face learning. Where absolutely necessary, special arrangements will be made to accommodate concert performances.
No parent or guardian is authorised to attend classes with their children unless they are registered students of the Academy and in a joint class. Joint classes will involve all students or more than one group of students and are only conducted on special occasions.
- Holiday Periods:
12.1 The Academy will be closed for two weeks at Christmas and two weeks over the Easter period. Regular classes cease during the August vacation. Please ensure that you check the Academy’s website and read the holiday notices which are distributed before every holiday.
12.2 You will not be charged for lessons cancelled by the Academy.
12.3 You will not be charged over the holidays.
12.4 If you have not paid ahead for your following 4 lessons then your place in the school is vulnerable and may be taken by a new student if you do not attend or make arrangements with the teacher either by phone, letter or in person. If this occurs you may be asked to re- enrol via the waiting list. Please remember to contact the school if you need to cancel a lesson.
13 General Terms:
13.1 Please keep the school informed of any changes in contact details, any changes in mobile number or address are essential especially for emergencies. It is important for you to have an answerphone on your telephone number to avoid disappointment as there may be occasional last minute changes to lessons due to unforeseen circumstances.
13.2 Students may not cause harm or damage to equipment on the premises or walk around the building into any other areas without permission from the teacher.
13.3 The Academy reserves the right to terminate lessons indefinitely due to consistent absenteeism, lack of progress, bad behaviour and any reason relating to the progress of other students or any other reasonable cause. Verbal abuse from parents/students will always result in instant termination of lessons without refund.
- Class Schedules:
14.1 Scheduling follows the Academy’s term calendar.
14.2 Timetables must be strictly adhered to at all times.
14.3 Scheduling/grouping of continuing students will only commence once registration fees have been received in full. Grouping is performed according to student’s ability and may change, depending on student’s progress.
14.4 If full payment is not made by the due date and/or there was no prior communication between the parent/guardian and the Academy, it will be deemed that the student has chosen to discontinue without notice. In this event, the student’s registration fee will be forfeited. If the student wishes to continue at the Academy, re-enrolment will be required, together with a further registration fee.
14.5 In the event of default on payment/s, action will be taken to recover the debt. The client will incur all costs accrued, including surcharges.
14.6 A lesson that is missed by the student, for whatever reason, is not made up, credited or transferred. This lesson is considered a forfeit.
14.7 If the instructor is unable to teach the scheduled lesson, then the student will be taught by a replacement instructor or that lesson will be made up or that lesson will be credited to the following term.
14.8 Refunds will only be issued in the unlikely event of cancellation of a class by the Academy and will not be issued for situations out of our control relating to weather or access to premises.
14.9 The Academy reserves the right to transfer students from one class to another and to dissolve the class when deemed necessary. - Liability Statement:
15.1 The Academy accepts no liability or responsibility for any injury sustained by the student that arises from participation in any activity connected with the Academy. The Academy also accepts no liability or responsibility for any minors, siblings, friends or relatives of the students who attends and/or waits at the Academy for the students having music lessons.
15.2 Parents/Guardians must ensure supervision of any children who are not involved in a class at all times.
15.3 Parents/Guardians must remain on site while children are in lessons unless agreed by a member of staff.
15.4 The Academy reserves the right to include or exclude any individual or family at its discretion.
15.5 The Academy reserves the right to cancel classes that do not meet the enrolment quota. In this case, a full refund will be made to the bill payer.
15.6 The Academy will not bear any liability for any loss of property or personal injuries during classes or within its premises. - Special Conditions:
16.1 NUT-FREE POLICY – The Academy has a nut-free policy. Students are asked not to bring any food containing nut products to classes and concerts.
16.2 The parent/guardian of the student is required to inform the Academy at the time of enrolment of any life-threatening or serious medical conditions (for example, allergies) that the student may have. It is a requirement that any student with the potential for anaphylaxis be accompanied to their lesson by a parent or care-giver who is capable of managing the situation if it arises.
16.3 The parent/guardian of the student is required to inform the Academy at the time of enrolment of any additional support needs that the student may have, diagnosed or undiagnosed that may affect their ability to learn in a group setting.
16.4 Disability Statement:
The Academy is only equipped to manage:
• High functioning Asperger/Autism
• Learning disabled mild to moderate
Students must have speech or emergent speech
Students must be potty trained
Students with disabilities may be required to access specialized individual training if they are unable to function in an inclusive music classroom environment.
Psycho/Ed analysis is needed for all special needs applicants to determine their specific needs. Without such analysis, admittance cannot be considered.
Parent’s Responses:
Excellent 4 – Clear and confident responses to all questions. What of accuracy?
Proficient 3 – Clear and confident responses to most questions. Hesitations on 1 -2 questions.
Fair 2 – Hesitant responses to most questions. Hesitations on responses to 3-4 questions.
Poor 1 – Most responses unclear. Hesitation on responses to all questions.
Parent’s Manner:
Excellent 4 – Parent was polite, articulate and professional. Made eye contact.
Proficient 3 – Parent was mostly polite, articulate and professional during interview with 1-2 moments of inconsistency.
Fair 2 – Parent was rarely polite, mostly inarticulate somewhat unprofessional during interview with 3-4 moments of inconsistency.
Poor 1 – Parent was impolite throughout, agitated and very unprofessional during the interview.
Child’s Responses:
Excellent 4 – Clear and confident responses to all questions.
Proficient 3 – Clear and confident responses to most questions. Hesitations on 1 -2 questions.
Fair 2 – Hesitant responses to most questions. Hesitations on 3-4 questions.
Poor 1 – Most responses unclear. Hesitation on all questions.
Child’s Manner:
Excellent 4 – Calm, composed with child remaining seated throughout interview.
Proficient 3 – Mostly calm, composed with child remaining seated for most of the interview.
Fair 2 – Distracted, restless with child unable to remain seated for most of the interview.
Poor 1 – Agitated, hyperactive and distracting throughout the interview. Child unable to remain seated.
Reading Capability:
Excellent 4 – Reading Sample is read fluently with no errors. Reading clear and articulate.
Proficient 3 – Reading Sample is read mostly fluently with 1-2 errors. Reading is mostly clear and articulate.
Fair 2 – Reading Sample is read somewhat clear with 3-4 errors. Reading lacks clarity and articulation.
Poor 1 – Unable to read.
Writing Capability:
Excellent 4 – Writing Sample is reproduced legibly and neatly within time frame of 5 minutes.
Proficient 3 – Writing Sample is reproduced mostly legibly and neatly within given timeframe of five minutes.
Fair 2 – Writing Sample lacks clarity and legibility.
Poor 1 – No work produced.
Rhythmic Reproduction:
Excellent 4 – Rhythm reproduced accurately with no errors.
Proficient 3 – Rhythm reproduced mostly accurately with 1-2 errors.
Fair 2 – Rhythm is mostly inaccurate with 3- 4 errors.
Poor 1 – Rhythm lacks accuracy and consistency.
Pitch Recognition:
Excellent 4 – Pitch/Song produced accurately with no errors.
Proficient 3 – Pitch/Song produced mostly accurately with 1-2 errors.
Fair 2 – Pitch/Song produced mostly inaccurately with 3-4 errors.
Poor 1 – Pitch/Song lacks accuracy.
The passing grade for the interview, consistent with all other `passing grade requirements of Camerata Academy, is C (60%). Interviewees scoring less than 60% will not be successful at the interview component of the Admissions requirement and will not be selected to attend Camerata Academy of Music Ltd.
Rubric for Applicants 17 years of age and older.
Applicant’s Responses:
Excellent 4 – Clear and confident responses to all questions.
Proficient 3 – Clear and confident responses to most questions. Hesitations on 1- 2 questions.
Fair 2 – Hesitant responses to most questions. Hesitations on 3-4 questions.
Poor 1 – Most responses unclear. Hesitation on all questions.
Applicant’s Manner:
Excellent 4 – Parent was polite, articulate and professional. Made eye contact.
Proficient 3 – Parent was mostly polite, articulate professional during interview with 1-2 moments of inconsistency.
Fair 2 – Parent was rarely polite, mostly inarticulate somewhat unprofessional during interview with 3-4 moments of inconsistency.
Poor 1 – Parent was impolite throughout, agitated and very unprofessional during the interview.
Writing Capability:
Excellent 4 – Writing Sample is legible and coherent. Excellent use of grammar.
Proficient 3 – Writing sample is mostly legibly and mostly coherent. Use of grammar is proficient.
Fair 2 – Writing Sample lacks clarity and legibility. Significant grammatical challenges evident.
Poor 1 – No work presented.
Rhythmic Reproduction:
Excellent 4 – Rhythm reproduced accurately with no errors.
Proficient 3 – Rhythm reproduced mostly accurately with1 -2 errors.
Fair 2 – Rhythm is mostly inaccurate with 3-4 errors.
Poor 1 – Rhythm lacks accuracy and consistency.
Pitch Recognition:
Excellent 4 – Pitch/Song produced accurately with no errors.
Proficient 3 – Pitch/Song produced mostly accurately with 1 -2 errors.
Fair 2 – Pitch/Song produced mostly inaccurately with3 -4 errors.
Poor 1 – Pitch/Song lacks accuracy.
Student Code of Conduct
The Code of Conduct refers to conduct or behaviours on the premises of the campus where classes are conducted.
- Camerata Academy of Music Ltd. creates an environment that is conducive to learning. It is expected that staff and students will conduct themselves in a manner that is appropriate to positivity and conducive to a learning environment.
- Students must be respectful to peers at all times
- Students must be respectful to staff at all times
- The correct uniform must be worn at all times.
- Prohibited behaviours/conduct include but are not limited to those listed below:
• Bullying
• Disruptive behaviours
• Endangering the safety, well-being or health of others
• Failing to comply with disciplinary actions
• Stealing
• Defacing the school’s property
Code of Conduct infractions will be treated in the following manner:
Level 1
Where behaviours demonstrated are calculated as minor violations of the Code of Conduct, the Academy will utilize measures to encourage more positive behaviours. An assigned member of staff will have a discussion with the student and any single or combined actions listed below can be utilized:
• Verbal or written warning
• Contact with parents/guardian by the teacher
• Separation from peers
• Written or verbal apology from the student
• Repayment for damages
Level 2
Repeated occurrences or more serious infractions will result in an assigned member of staff having a discussion with the student(s). Any course of action listed below may be utilized to encourage more positive or acceptable behaviours:
• Contact with parents/guardian by the teacher and/or administration
• Removal from the classroom/situation
Level 3
Repeated negative/offensive behaviours that have not been positively impacted by Level 1 and/or Level 2 treatments can result in suspension from classes for a specified or unspecified period of time. The offender may be required to access counselling prior to returning to classes.